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Logo Design

Stand out from the crowd with a professionally designed logo, created specifically for your business or event.

I work with you to create a design that is unique and suited to you and your business. 

gold hot foil logo printed onto black card
logo design, logo creation, gympie logo design, gympie logo designer, gympie graphic design, graphic desginer, gympie graphic designer

Your Ideas

The first thing is establishing what kind of business you have and the look you would like your logo to have. A great place to start looking at ideas is Pinterest. There are loads of ideas for logos on this site so there is no doubt you'll find an idea you like. If you need help with ideas just let me know and I can design a few different options for you.

Get in Touch

Once you have gathered your ideas, get in contact with me via the contact page here or for my availability and I can get started on creating a logo for you.


If you had trouble coming up with ideas for a logo, I will design a few different options for you to choose from. Once you have settled on an idea you love, I can get going with the next step.

Orientations & Versions

Every logo I design comes in three orientations: Landscape, Stacked and Round. This will ensure that you have a logo purpose-built for every design application. I will also supply your chosen logo in colour and black and white options and in multiple file formats: vector pdf, jpeg, and png so you will always have a logo file for every occasion.

logo design, logo creation, gympie logo design, gympie logo designer, gympie graphic design, graphic desginer, gympie graphic designer
logo design, logo creation, gympie logo design, gympie logo designer, gympie graphic design, graphic desginer, gympie graphic designer


Your logo file will be sent to you as a digital download via Dropbox. 

Get in Touch

For more information please fill out the contact form here or email me at

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